complex compound

英 [ˈkɒmpleks ˈkɒmpaʊnd] 美 [kəmˈpleks ˈkɑːmpaʊnd]




  1. The medication's active ingredient is colchicine, a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron ( Colchicum autumnale).
  2. The possibilities of formation of complex compound between divalent iodates have been studied.
  3. Study on air electrode made of a kind of complex compound metal oxide as catalyst
  4. The content of HAs in soils is not high, but its adsorption capacity on mercury exhibits big and the complex compound has certain activity.
  5. Effects of hydrogen sources on the chemical structure of Rh-P complex compound in the synthesis of HRh ( CO)( PPh_3)_3
  6. But they wanted to pinpoint the precise factor in curcumin, which is a complex compound.
  7. The performance and the mechanism of sensing gas, existing problems and future development for phthalonitrile and metal complex Compound ere described
  8. Research on Solubility of Metal Complex Compound in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
  9. Synthesis and Structure Analysis of Nano-particle Ce-Mg-O Complex Compound with High Thermal Stability
  10. A flow injection spectrometric method was developed for determination of formaldehyde in leather wastewater. The method was based on the combination of chromotropic acid with formaldehyde under acidic and heating conditions. The complex compound had maximum absorption wavelength at 390 nm.
  11. The effects of lanthanum and its complex compound ( la-edta) on enzymes activities in fish liver
  12. The modern commercial complex compound architectural design is the union of science and art, technology and human nature.
  13. The complex compound formed on the surface of the carriers during operation has been studied and by X-ray diffraction analysis it was proved to be jarosite.
  14. The content of the iron in form of complex compound is related to that of the organic matter.
  15. A study of bactericidal activity of serum after administration of cefoperazone and its complex compound
  16. Some chemical constituents may form a complex compound;
  17. Applicaion of rare earth complex compound was studied in oxygen bleaching of kraft pulp.
  18. Effect of complex compound of rare earth element on transformation of soil nitrogen and crop growth
  19. The preparation technique of the surface treating for PTFE belt with sodium-naphthalene complex compound are introduced as well as the physical and chemical properties of its products. The effect of temperature on the production efficiency has been discussed-The technique has been compared with others.
  20. Principles and technologies to synthesize iron polyacrylate complex compound was studied in the paper.
  21. The article introduced a technology of electrodess Ni-P alloy, which has high stability and includes a kind of composite complex compound. The effect of the different compositions in the plating solution and the technology conditions on the depositing velocity were also discussed.
  22. This article applies the method of multiple linear regression to pH complexometric titration. It determines metallic ions concentration simultaneously which is very similar to stable constant of EDTA complex compound. The article discusses the method principle, regression equation and optimum experimental condition.
  23. Research on Complex Compound of Thorium ( IV)-EDTA-Amino Acid System
  24. For the complex compound system, interaction benefit to seismic resistance of primary structure in elastic stage.
  25. The method can also be used to solve problems of complex compound structure with various boundaries and loads.
  26. Coal tar is a very complex compound and also extremely precious organic chemical material.
  27. The reaction products in the interface between SiC particles and steel matrix are oxides and complex compound oxides.
  28. Human residential environment is a kind of complex compound eco-system of social-economy-natural.
  29. Natural gas hydrate, with the snow appearance, is a complex compound formed from natural gas and liquid water under a certain temperature and pressure during the process of extraction, processing and transportation.